Saturday, December 12, 2009

Atomic Girl Wedgie Videos So Do You Think I, A 13-year-old Girl, Can Do A 1,500 Word Report About The Atomic Bomb In 2 Days?

So do you think I, a 13-year-old girl, can do a 1,500 word report about the atomic bomb in 2 days? - atomic girl wedgie videos

Ok, ok ... I delayed. I have not even started the investigation ... But I bet I can.

If you want me, could some sites that provide useful information about exactly how Harry Truman and decided to propose to have nuke bomb.

Many appreiciated!


jack_tor... said...

You can certainly this task. Just focus on what you mean to determine how you want to explain your arguments and not this time on examining the number of words that you have. Create a clear presentation with good reason why this event was important and controversial. Then proceed with the creation of the bomb, pump mud actual impact of these weapons on the future of the world.

Attached are required to provide some links to websites, general information. You have to help a pound or 2 of the library in the list of further research to fill the role and the list of literature (if required). I would be from Wikipedia and others, because most teachers do not take into account not valid research.

Good luck!

jack_tor... said...

You can certainly this task. Just focus on what you mean to determine how you want to explain your arguments and not this time on examining the number of words that you have. Create a clear presentation with good reason why this event was important and controversial. Then proceed with the creation of the bomb, pump mud actual impact of these weapons on the future of the world.

Attached are required to provide some links to websites, general information. You have to help a pound or 2 of the library in the list of further research to fill the role and the list of literature (if required). I would be from Wikipedia and others, because most teachers do not take into account not valid research.

Good luck!

jack_tor... said...

You can certainly this task. Just focus on what you mean to determine how you want to explain your arguments and not this time on examining the number of words that you have. Create a clear presentation with good reason why this event was important and controversial. Then proceed with the creation of the bomb, pump mud actual impact of these weapons on the future of the world.

Attached are required to provide some links to websites, general information. You have to help a pound or 2 of the library in the list of further research to fill the role and the list of literature (if required). I would be from Wikipedia and others, because most teachers do not take into account not valid research.

Good luck!

V. said...

You sound like me:) Try

Have fun, lol.

murder x scene said...

I think we can do .. IN the age of thirteen, and I know I could

In order to .. I recommend Google and see what comes of it!

Good luck and I hope to get a good grade!

dpepperd... said...

Suffice it to a report that describe online with your own words. That's what I had before. Simple mixing regime. He opted for a nuclear bomb for the surrender of Japan to start, so he wouldnt invasion of the country.

dpepperd... said...

Suffice it to a report that describe online with your own words. That's what I had before. Simple mixing regime. He opted for a nuclear bomb for the surrender of Japan to start, so he wouldnt invasion of the country.

sweetnso... said...

hmm. . . try this: ...


♥♥Xanden's Mommy♥♥ said...

only if u stay of Yahoo Answers and other sites that we do not help u get ur work ..

My heart echoes said...

Hell yes, when I was 14 I had a report of 2000 words (part of the GCSE) in my free time, all in German! ! I have hours in 9th So, yes you can.

Tosha said...

Yes you can. I had a 2000 words in 1 days time.

Sakura said...

It has been done before ... Good luck ...

Bron Bahlmann said...

Yes you can. I am one of thirteen years and also has a detailed report on Peter David Lax, who was one of the great minds who contributed to have the atomic bomb, and I'm not so good. Good luck!

Johnny S. said...

Sure. The Gettysburg Address, Okie From Muskogee and other large pieces were written in 15 minutes. The great success of Weird Science was written in an afternoon.

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